Andrew took the kids to an egg hunt while I was away this past weekend. As you can see, they got some practicing in for this coming weekends' festivities. I hope the Easter Bunny stops by our house. Also, I hope he is wearing his parka, its not supposed to be warm. I'm still confused as to why Easter is so early this year?

On Sunday, we went to one of our very favorite parks to burn some energy.

I have an answer for you on Easter...I know this because I once had to ask my pastor. It was killing me, this moving around of my nice, spring, Pagan festival and I just had to know. Here it is: Easter always falls on the FIRST Sunday following the FIRST full moon that follows the vernal equinox. So, really, it all depends on the timing of that full moon. The vernal equinox is basically sometime around March 20-21 (first day of spring). This year, Easter is basically one or two days before just about as early as it can get. Technically, I guess, if the vernal equinox was on the 21st and there was a full moon that or the following day AND then the next day was Sunday...BAM-Easter. Aren't you sorry you asked? Maybe the Easter Bunny can bring you a nice ice pack for the headache you're gonna have after reading this...
holy cow you aren't kidding. I hope someone is explaining all of this to the Easter Bunny. Its a wonder he knows when to show up at all!
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