Today was kindergarten registration day, and I got Dylan all signed up. I look at my first baby boy and can't believe in a few short months he will be riding the school bus, making new friends and having homework! Where we live is still half day, and its likely he'll be an afternoon kindergartener. So we can put off getting up at the crack of dawn for one more year. We are so excited about the elementary school he'll be attending. Its new, and the staff, facility and programs are all top notch. They are inviting all kindergarten parents to the school towards the end May one evening for an orientation. The kids will get to tour the school and classrooms while parents meet teachers and hear about the curriculum. Then they even get to take a school bus ride around the community!
Dylan is ready to start right now. In fact while I was there registering today, the staff member told him he could walk around and check things out. I finished up the paperwork and Logan and I set off to find Dylan. We ended up having to enlist a few helpers because he couldn't be found anywhere. Finally, a man from Reptile World (who was there to do an assembly later today) saw Dylan on the playgroup with the big kids. He was just making himself at home. So typical for him - he is a child who has no problem with new situations and experiences. He just jumps in with both feet all by himself and doesn't look back, and makes tons of friends along the way. I love that about his personality. I was so much more timid and shy at his age.
In the packet today, there are 28 things listed that your child should be able to do before school begins, and he is doing them all already. But I think there are other things we need to work on before kindergarten begins:
1. Writing more of his letters
2. Learning his phone number and address (honestly this one I've been avoiding sort of on purpose - he is so chatty with everyone and before I know it he could forget the 'stranger' rule and be inviting people over to visit us)
3. Learning to eat faster - he is the world's slowest eater and at school they won't let him have an hour to eat a cheese quesadilla. In kindergarten they don't eat a meal at school - just a snack - so we have a while to work on this one.
I'm so excited for him. I know school is going to be a great experience and time of his life. I know I will shed some tears his first week; its so bittersweet to watch your babies grow up. I'm so proud to be his mommy!
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