With preschool and soccer over, our days have been filled with pool time and playdates. Its much more fun taking Logan to the pool this summer. He has very little fear of water and sticks his face in, and tries to do whatever Dylan does. When we are not at the pool, it seems I am doing laundry - all the extra wet towels and bathing suits.
The kids are so active, its hard to keep up! I'm trying to minimize TV time. Today during Logan's nap, Dylan and I had science time, followed by an hour floating objects in our baby pool to see if they'd sink or float.
These next few weeks, our calendar is jam packed with random short trips, parties, visitors and other goodies. I think July will be a bit more calm. We are, however, planning Logan's 2nd birthday party and keeping it on the smallish side. We'll save the big 'friends' party until 3 or 4.
Since I have no interest in summer TV shows, I've been spending more time reading in the evening. I just finished this and now I'm working on this. Totally different from each other but both equally captivating!
Also, I just started a new volunteer position within my MOMS Club, and I'm planning all of our weekly events. Its a lot of work, but we're getting to do some pretty cool stuff I'll be blogging about at some point!
Absolutely loved the description of the pizza in Italy in "Eat, Pray, Love." One of the best two paragraphs ever written about food, ever.
what's the test tube thing D is using in the picture? looks cool!
Its a cool science kit my friend Heather (Sophia's mom) got Dylan for his birthday. Its called Explore the Mystery of Color, and the brand is Scientific Explorer. We have another one by them too called Mind Blowing Science. Dylan loves them and they each come with a ton of stuff inside, so they last for a really long time. Not sure where they sell them, probably Target and/or boutique type toy stores.
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