This trip to Ohio for my Grandpa's funeral was not only a celebration and reflection of his life, it was a wonderful family reunion on my Dad's side. We came together and made something good out of something bad. My Dad delivered an incredible eulogy, that emphasized how important family was to my Grandpa. Its the most important thing. And it reminded me that no matter how busy we all get in our daily lives, in our own little worlds, we need to take time out to just be with our family and enjoy life in the moment. It made my Grandma so happy to have us all there with her. My Grandma is an amazing woman who raised four kids in a tiny three bedroom house my Grandpa built from a kit. She told me she has a lot of plans in the days ahead, including her weekly work-outs at the Silver Sneakers at the YMCA, and her paintings.
Here are a few photos from our days together this past weekend. We had a lot of laughs, ate a lot of fattening food, and enjoyed reconnecting with each other. Despite the circumstances, it was a nice way to welcome in a New Year.
Here is my cousin Alexis with Dylan and Logan. Alexis is 14 and is as sweet as she is beautiful. I hadn't seen her since she was 8. My boys fell in love with her, and so did we.

Here I am with my Grandma, and my Aunt Suzy (left) and Aunt Diane (right). My Grandma and my Aunts have incredible voices and broke into song many times over the trip. Unfortunately I didn't inherit the singing gene so much.

Here is Grandma with Logan. It was his first trip to Ohio. Dylan had been once before, when he was about the age Logan is now. Logan's favorite part of the trip was giving Great Grandma rides up and down in her recliner.
The boys also loved racing their Hot Wheels down the wheelchair ramp built for my Grandpa off the front porch.
Here are Andrew and Uncle Paul (Suzy's husband). We had a lot of laughs and silliness with Paul.
Here are Suzy and Paul together..
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