Friday night, after their shower, we let the kids watch a little Tom and Jerry. If we time it right, we can bathe the kids at 7:30 and then all lie in our bed and watch some T & J antics until 8 pm. I love that our kids prefer vintage cartoons to new ones. And nothing is funnier than Tom and Jerry. Laugh out loud funny, every time.
So anyway, it was the episode where Tom lands in the barrel of hard cider in the basement and drinks a bunch of it. It doesn't say 'hard cider' on the barrel, it just says XXX. As soon as he emerges from the barrel, he's hiccuping and falling all over the place. He makes his way to the kitchen, and standing before the open refrigerator, he somehow shimmies his body into a roasted turkey carcass, like a corset. Of course, Mammy waddles downstairs now that Tom has awakened her, and Tom tries to light her foot on fire with a match.
Seriously, there just isn't enough hardcore drinking and arsony in kids cartoons these days.
So Dylan innocently asks "What is that stuff he drank?". To which I answer "oh, just some apple cider"... And Dylan answers back "Um no. That's called 'Losing Your Mind Juice' ".
In college, I can remember doing shots called "Mind Erasers". But I like Dylan's name better.
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