Andrew's Mancation to the Sebring races in Florida was a hit. The group of friends he went with (and many other attendees) dress up every year in different themes. Some of the groups alter different vehicles and drive them around all week (like buses and stuff, they turn them into giant floats and throw beads at everyone). Hilarious. I really think he should do a guest blog post about his five day adventure and entertain us all. They couldn't take a shower because the RV shower was full of cases of beer (sounds like college days on spring break!). So anyway, his friends decided to be the ‘drunk monks’ this year. Some of the drivers asked them to ‘bless’ their cars, and they’d dip their hands in beer and sprinkle it like holy water.
Here they are, featured on in their holy glory (Andrew is in the back middle):

Their flag, flying proud:
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