Today was Dylan's end of year party at school, and as room mom, my last official school duty for this year. Of course a giant thunderstorm blew in as the party was starting, thus cancelling the outdoor activities. So instead, the kids made visors, wrote about what they want to learn in First Grade (Dylan wants to learn to read) and what they want to be when they grow up (Dylan wants to be an office worker), and then watched Toy Story 2 and had snacks. Logan came along and hung out with the big kids, too. Part of me thinks he is so ready for big boy school, and the other part of me fears for his teacher!
Circle time.

Olivia, Dylan, Logan and Abigail. This comprises half of the beautiful girls Dylan gets to go to the bus stop with every day.

Dylan and Caden, one of his best buds at school. Caden is moving to Pennsylvania this summer and we're going to miss him and his family a lot!


One more day of kindergarten tomorrow and its officially SUMMER!
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