This summer, Dylan had his sights set on being Indiana Jones and never changed his mind once - no doubt this was inspired by playing hours of Wii Lego Indiana Jones. He loved his fake scruffy beard too. Logan had a few costume ideas of his own, and was heavily persuaded to go with something we already had in the dress-up bin. He wore his astronaut costume proudly (although the hat part was a no-go) and now that I think about it, the costume was appropriate since his massive amounts of candy loot will surely send him blasting off to outerspace.
We had a fantastic Halloween night, the best ever, according to Dylan. My neighbor Paige and I took the kids around the neighborhood and Logan was a total professional.
He and Dylan gleefully ran from house to house exclaiming "Happy Halloween!" at the top of their lungs, Logan holding his handmade loot bag by his teeth, deciding that candy is better than presents and therefore Halloween trumps Christmas (I think they'll change their tune on Christmas morning). We had a dramatic moment when Dylan realized he had dropped his whip somewhere along the path but we backtracked and found it, saving the evening.
A few houses along our way went all out, with extensive haunted garages and ghoulish graveyards. I'd love to do this one year. We have a strobe light and a few props we put out every year and it adds so much fun to the night. Monk Andrew bought some dry ice and created a spooky cauldron effect setting up on our front porch to hand out candy, drink his magic potions, and scare the heck out of unsuspecting trick-or-treaters with a giant inflatable spider rigged to a fishing pole, suspended and hidden to pounce upon them as they reached for the candy bowl.
Another neighborhood family hosts an annual pre-trick-or-treat pizza/beer and juice box bash, and this year, with Halloween falling on Saturday, we ventured back over for some post evening bonfire and movie madness. This morning, Logan demonstrated the tongue staining power of high fructose corn syrup.

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