Dear Dylan,
Every year on your birthday, I like to take a journey in my mind about how much you've grown, and the boy you've become. I've been writing this blog since you turned
five and then
six. You're turning seven tomorrow. Seven years old, and I can hardly believe it. You're growing up so fast, and changing all of the time.
I can no longer pick you up, or hold you in my arms. You've turned into a boy, independent and full of ideas and opinions about the world around you.
This has been a big year for you. You graduated from kindergarten and confidently started first grade, head held high ready to take on the world. You've learned the basics of reading. Everytime I visit you in school, your friends are all fighting for who will get to sit next to you. I know you will always have a lot of friends, because you're kind to other kids and you're very, very silly.
On Sunday, we were at the park. You went off, on your own, because you had seen some wildflowers. You picked a flower for every adult that was in our group and gave one to each person, making sure everyone was included. You have such a sweet nature. Sometimes you'll be working on homework, or eating your dinner, and you'll just reach over and touch my hand and give me a little smile. You take your time walking to the bus stop each morning, stopping to help a worm make it to the grass, or making sure you don't step on an ant.

You're such a good big brother. The other weekend, I walked past your bedroom and saw you reading a book to Logan, who was listening intently. You are the light of Logan's life. He idolizes you in every way possible and even though I know he can annoy you as only a little brother can, he worships the ground you walk on and wants to be just like you. I hope you will always be close to each other, and help each other. Sometimes when you're both watching TV together, you lay so close together its hard to tell where one of you ends and the other begins.
Other than your family and friends, your three favorite things are playing Wii, swimming, and riding your bicycle. You can do any of these for hours, and you've quite good at them all. I hope we can get you as interested in books... we're still working on that. You're also getting into skateboarding, and we're surprising you for your birthday by signing you up for a skateboarding camp this summer.
This year, you've also expanded your food horizons. Cheese quesadillas have given way to cheeseburgers, casseroles, black beans, and even carrots. Your favorite fruit is fresh pineapple, and your favorite ice cream flavor of late is party cake. You love to watch shows about 'how things work' and nature. This has been the year you've become obsessed with all things Indiana Jones, and you bust out your Indiana Jones costume so often its starting to get holes in it.
This Saturday, we're going to have a party to celebrate your birthday. You've taken quite an interest in your birthday party this year... creating your own guest list (friends from school and soccer), coming up with the theme (Indiana Jones), and even telling Daddy what you want your cake to look like. I know it will be a memorable day filled with laughter. I know my favorite part of the day will be just watching you, when don't know I'm watching.
I'm so proud of you buddy. You amaze me everyday, in everything that you do. I love you all the way to the moon and back and back again. Happy 7th Birthday Dylan.