Dear Dylan,
Today you turned five years old. Every year on your birthday, I look at the clock at different times of the day and remember what point of labor I was in that sunny spring day you were born. You arrived at 6:06 pm, a healthy and robust 8 lbs, 6 oz. The nurse laid you on my stomach and I finally got to see you for the very first time, and my life was changed forever. In that instant, I felt so much love for you it filled my heart until I thought it would burst a million times over.

Last night, I pulled out the journal that I kept during my pregnancy with you and re-read it. I've only read it a couple of times since you were born and I intend to give it to you someday when you're older. I began writing it the day I learned you were going to join our family - July 29, 2002. I go on through the weeks and months to describe all of my feelings about being pregnant, learning you were a boy, deciding your name, feeling you move, and the story of how you came into this world.
Every day of these past five years with you has been a gift. You have brought so much love into our lives. You are such a smart, funny, creative, generous and kind little boy. You make us laugh everyday, and you teach us the meaning of love and patience. I love spending my days with you. I know you won't always want to hang out with your mommy, so I treasure this time we have now and our adventures together. I am a lucky, lucky mom to have you as my son.

This past year you've changed so much. You've mastered all of your letters and their sounds. You learned how to write your name and you're well on your way to learning to write the other letters. You've become so independent, even asking yesterday at a store to use the men's room all by yourself for the first time. You make friends so easily and keep them, because you're compassionate and fun and polite. And you're such a good big brother. Logan loves you so much and you're so good at sharing with him and making sure he is safe. You always look out for him at the park and you're sure to tell the other older kids to 'be careful of my little brother'.

This isn't to say you can't be challenging at times. You have a stubborn streak for sure, and you're very particular about what you will and won't eat. You get into a zone when playing a video game and I worry that someday you will be the twelve year old in our basement playing Playstation and we'll never see you. You're very active and sitting still only happens if you are sleeping or watching TV. You've certainly had your share of wacky interests in your life so far. For two years, you had to bring your red electric guitar everywhere we went and you even were invited to play on stage with bands at some wine festivals we attended. You were obsesssed with chapstick and candles for a while and had to sleep with both. Last year everyday when you came home from preschool, we had to spend hours in the backyard digging up worms.

Best of all though, is that you tell us everyday how much you love us. And I'll say "But I love you more!". And you'll respond very seriously, "No mommy, I love you more." And I'll say "But I love you all way to the moon and back!!". And you think about this for a moment and laugh and say "ME TOO!!".
Happy Birthday, my sweet little boy.
1 comment:
Michelle - what a beautiful letter to your son. It brought me to tears. Dylan is such a special, kind and caring little boy because of you and Andrew, his parents. Spending time with Dylan is always such fun. These past five years have flown by. Love you all - to the moon and back. Mom
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