Yesterday, the boys and I found the bargain of the month - $3.99 gigantic pumpkins at Harris Teeter. We put two in our cart and could barely fit any other groceries around them. Last night was carving night. And everyone got in on the action. We quickly realized gigantic pumpkins also mean giganticly thick 2 1/2" rinds to cut thru. So it took some work and some sweating. And some bent knives. And finally, some power tools on the screen porch, in the freezing cold 40 MPH wind gusts. What a Daddy.

1 comment:
They look great! The one on the right looks like a Picasso. Here's your pumpkin carving tip for next year's giants---once you scoop out the pulp scrape down the entire inside lining of the pumpkin until its about only 1.5 inches thick. The serrated scrapers that come with most pumpkin carving kits work pretty well for this. Getting the pumpkin thinner makes the carving much easier. I learned this at the JOL Blaze because I bought a book on carving. We put it to use last night when we carved ours and it made a HUGE difference over my past carving experiences.
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