My kids love TV, its a fact. I try to control what they watch and how much they watch because let's face it - there are some good shows for kids and there are some REALLY BAD ones. Spongebob Squarepants is banned in our house. I find it rude and obnoxious and ridiculous. Just my opinion. The only thing Dylan could possibly learn from that show is how to make wierd farting noises. Which he can learn at kindergarten just as well.
Logan will watch anything, so its easy to control what he watches. Dylan is trickier. He is at the age where Sesame Street is OUT, Power Rangers are IN. Have you ever sat down and watched Power Rangers? It is DUMB. I'm sorry. I know they're good guys and all. But the acting, just horrible. Its unwatchable. He loves Scooby Doo and I can bear that much more. Some Super Hero shows are acceptable (though not educational in the least). I do find, however, if I turn Sesame Street on for Logan, Dylan will certainly sit there and watch, even if he'd never admit to enjoying it.
We recently discovered a new show on PBS Kids, Sid the Science Kid, and my guys LOVE it. They will sit down and watch the entire show, AND its totally educational. Sometimes I even learn things from that show. Another one they both like is the Imagination Movers. And Curious George. Totally safe, totally educational. All of these are acceptable in our house.
However, I am not quite sure what to make of this show. What is up with the red bumpy guy and the white guy? Is it just me or are they just a wee tad phallic?

I mean, come on.. What were the costume designers thinking?
This article lends some insight into Yo Gabba Gabba. Maybe I'm just not a hipster parent. But heck, one of my favorite bands, The Shins, have been musical guest stars on the show. So maybe I should give it a chance. And once I do, maybe I can ask this guy where I can get a hat like his.

Yes on Sid the Science Kid, and we're also digging Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman. Like Sid, I end up being reminded of a lot of cool science and math stuff while watching the show with them. It's on our PBS station.
And like you, Sponge Bob is totally banned, with the exception of Band Aids that Hadden picked out the other day when he had a boo-boo.
No No No NO NO NO to Sponge Bob. We were Wegmans the other day eating dinner before shopping and in the family eating area they had SB on. That show is extremely violent and rude.
Yo Gabba Gabba was caught once at our house and I sat there in complete disbelief that I was witnessing such a show. I was at a loss for words, I was just sitting there with a blank stare on my face.
I'm not quite sure how it happened but our kids constantly ask for Caillou. I can take it. It could be worse.
Your Bro
I see that skinny black dude on Yo Gabba and I immediatly think of Bootsy Collins.
Yes Groove is in the heart.
OMG! I read your post and I was like this is just like us. I, too, HATE Sponge Bob and do not let Mairin watch him (thankfully she doesn't seem to like him either) Mairin LOVES Sid the Science Guy, totally likes Curious George and Scooby Doo too (This is one of my faves as a kid so I actually enjoy watching it now) She won't admit to liking Sesame Street but will sit and watch it if its on. I think the Yo Gabba Gabba show was created by people on acid... But the kids seem taken by the music and dancing (Mairin actually gets up and dances along) The jury is still out for me. The one you didn't mention which is another fave at home is Max & Ruby. Sadly at 14 months Lukas is already atuned to the TV and will watch along with Mairin. Needless to say this makes me uncomfortable bcz I know he shouldn't be watching ANY TV. Oh well. 2nd child syndrome.
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