Thursday, February 26, 2009
Interview with Dylan, age 5 3/4
1.What is something mom always says to you?
D: I love you
2. What makes mom happy?
D: That I listen to you.
3. What makes mom sad?
D: Not listening to you.
4. How does your mom make you laugh?
D: Being silly
5. What was your mom like as a child?
D: I don’t know, probably little or something.
6. How old is your mom?
D: Ummmm, I don’t know. Because you don't even tell me.
7. How tall is your mom?
D: I don’t know. 100 years?
8. What is her favorite thing to do?
D: Watch me play Wii.
9. What does your mom do when you're not around?
D: I don’t know, watch TV?
10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
D: Seeing persons that are good at playing Wii.
11. What is your mom really good at?
D: Playing Mario Cart. (Which is SO not true, I suck!)
12. What is your mom not very good at?
D: fixing cars (true!)
13. What does your mom do for her job?
D: Hmmmmm, you take care of us? And clean the floor.
14. What is your mom's favorite food?
D: hmmmmm, healthy things?
15. What makes you proud of your mom?
D: You playing Wii with me. You should play Lego Star Wars, you could be one of the girls.
16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
D: I don’t know, but if I were a cartoon I’d be Darth Maul.
17. What do you and your mom do together?
D: we play games, and Wii
18. How are you and your mom the same?
D: we’re in the same family
19. How are you and your mom different?
D: You’re a girl, I’m a boy. That makes us unique.
20. How do you know your mom loves you?
D: Because I listen to you tell me that.
21. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
D: at the pool? And the lake house? Even though there is no Wii there, it’s still one of my favorite places.
Can you tell he's a little obsessed with the Wii? Lordie.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
little boy, big attitude

Monday, February 23, 2009
It wasn't completely subzero outside, so first we let the kids play and got a fire going. We didn't last long but at least the kids got to burn a little energy off...
Then after dinner, it was time for a sprinkle and frosting extravaganza. Logan dumped out 3/4 of a bottle of sprinkles then proceeded to inhale his cupcake in one continuous not-stopping-to-even-take-a-breath bite:
Grandma and Grandpa flew home yesterday, and I'm sure are glad to be back in warmer weather and a sprinkle-free floor.
Friday, February 20, 2009
rock on little buddy
The story is this. I was pregnant out-to-there with Logan, and we decided to take one last family vacation while we were still just a family of three. As I've written about many times before, my Dad and Stepmom live in Cape Coral, Florida. We enjoyed a week of lounging by their pool and going to the beach and waterpark. One night, we all ventured down the road to a little hole in the wall bar on the water called Bert's Bar and Grill in Matlacha, on Pine Island. We went for two reason's. First, Bert's offers some mighty fine bar cuisine, including our first ever encounter with fried macaroni and cheese (genius!). Second, a local band called The Yard Dogs was performing. They had a cool sound ... a combination of Zydeco, blues, and Cajun. They played some cool instruments including a Rhumba Box, accordian and a scrub board.
Dylan had just turned three, and he had an all out obsession with music. He used to carry his electric guitar everywhere we went. More than once, he has been asked up on stage to 'perform' with the band at a wine festival we've attended. We didn't take his guitar to Florida but we did bring his harmonica, which was a little more portable. And I don't think the band was halfway thru their first song before Dylan was right in front of them, dancing and playing along.
So now I'm tagging three other friends: Di, Kristin and Danielle, you're next!
what we've been doing
Next fall will be the beginning of a whole new deal. Dylan will be in school until 2:45 each day. If Logan gets into preschool, he'll go two mornings a week. Two mornings I could go to the gym, get some work done, or even just use the bathroom by myself with no one flipping the light switch on and off. A girl has to dream big!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
the birds and the pigs
We have four hermit crabs (the fifth one recently bit the dust) in an aquarium in our kitchen. At least I didn't kill him, like I did our sea monkeys this past summer when I spilled them down the garbage disposal. No, the fifth crab was eaten by his bretheren crabs. Nasty little cannibals.
The other night, I'm on the computer and Dylan walks over to tell me:
"Mom, one of the crabs is on top of the other crabs' back!"
Me "Oh really?" (pretty disinterested, as I was probably busy reading some ridiculous Facebook photo tag or something)
"Yea! The one crab is on the other one's back and they're you know...doing that thing... "
Me: (slightly more interested, turning to look at Dylan now) "That thing?...."
"Yea, you know that thing when they get on each others backs?"
Me: (eyebrows raised, slightly increased heart rate, mind racing to a rather spicy episode of Dirty Jobs we once came across where Mike Rowe was at a farm and I had to change the channel quickly) "Ummmmmmm.... Ummmmmmmmm" (mind scrambling... are we really going to have to have this conversation right here, right now?)
"Yea, you know the pig thing? When they get on each others backs?"
Me: "Pig thing? Pig thing... Hmmmmm... pig thing......" (Dylan looking at me clearly expecting some sort of answer and now....)
Me: "You mean a PIGGY BACK RIDE?!!!!"
Dylan: "YES! A piggy back ride! You know, when they ride on each others backs?!"
Whew. I love the innocence of the five year old mind.
we're going to need a napkin
Monday, February 16, 2009
step right up. everyone. and their brother.
I'm so ready for warm weather. And really, I shouldn't be whining because we have many friends and family who live elsewhere and are dealing with weekly snowstorms and subzero weather.
Here are the few photos we managed during the Circus Day. At least we got to see some crazy cool acrobatics while wearing these rubber clown noses. All was not lost.
randomness of the day
Today it was:
"Mommy, did Jesus Christ live during the Ice Age? Did he get born when the dinosaurs lived and turn into a grown up during the Ice Age?"
We don't go to church and we don't talk about religion much around here. Maybe a random book about Noah's Ark once in a while. So this was totally out of left field.
Friday, February 13, 2009
all the way to the moon

Today was, of course, Dylan's Valentine's Day party at school. Boy, how times have changed since I was in kindergarten. I remember writing out Valentine's cards and dropping them in decorated boxes all my friends had made. Dylan's oh-so-efficient teachers decided to pre-distribute Valentine's earlier this week so that today at the party, the kids could focus on crafts and dancing. Dylan wrote all of his 27 cards himself last week, and we sent them in earlier this week for the teachers to handle.
Next, it was onto the snow globe station. Except he couldn't make a girly pink one, so it was green instead:
Then it was onto homemade bookmarks. Don't you love his festive shirt? He had to wear his Tony Hawk today. Valentine's Day attire isn't exactly made for boys anyway.
Here is the sweet Valentine's card he made for us:
Andrew, Dylan and Logan, I love you all so much. As Dylan says, all the way to the moon and back again and back again again. I couldn't ask for three better Valentine's than my three guys.
Happy Valentine's Day to All!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
his own sweet time
So I was not surprised on Monday when his teacher wrote this on his 2nd period report card:
Monday, February 9, 2009
The Plunge

It was the warmest weekend of the winter, and where did we decide to go? Snowtubing, of course! We've had this weekend planned for so long, and the warm weather just added a little mud to our fun. We met five other families, including Jersey Baby, and Tatertown USA, at Wintergreen resort, near Charlottesville, VA.
After dropping Logan at Grandma's house Saturday morning, Dylan, Andrew and I set off down the highway for our little snowy adventure. And after getting a little side-tracked trying to find some restaurant called Pig Daddy's (thanks for nothing GPS) we arrived at our hotel. All 19 of us stayed at a hotel near the mountain, enjoying pizza, desserts, laughs, and many adult beverages poolside. The hotel even had a fancy little movie theatre and popcorn for all to enjoy. It was kid heaven, and no one had to vacuum at the end of the party!
Sunday morning we headed up the mountain for our very first snow tubing excursion. It was a little slushy and muddy. But the tubing hill, The Plunge, is more than three football fields long and we spent a glorious two hours acting like kids and connecting our tubes into trains to fly down the slopes.
Here we go!

Up the people mover to the top...

Logan would have loved it, and I really missed having him there. But he had a great time with Grandma Lynn and Grandpa Robby, with an abundance of fruit snacks, hugs, Wii Fit and Playdough.
We've decided this will be standing weekend adventure every winter. Good friends, great laughs. I'm ready to go again this weekend.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
to be a mom
"Mom, when Logan came out of your belly, was he covered in blood?"
Its not like we let him watch birthing shows. So I told him all babies are born with a little blood on them. But it gets wiped off quickly and they get a bath. Its no big deal. He seemed okay with that answer and moved onto another topic.
But since he asked this question, I've been thinking about both of my deliveries throughout the day today. Its funny how I don't remember any blood, any pain or discomfort or nausea. Now that I look back, all I can remember is the complete sense of awe and overwhelming love I felt for them both immediately. It humbles and amazes me everyday.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
cat and mouse

Friday night, after their shower, we let the kids watch a little Tom and Jerry. If we time it right, we can bathe the kids at 7:30 and then all lie in our bed and watch some T & J antics until 8 pm. I love that our kids prefer vintage cartoons to new ones. And nothing is funnier than Tom and Jerry. Laugh out loud funny, every time.
So anyway, it was the episode where Tom lands in the barrel of hard cider in the basement and drinks a bunch of it. It doesn't say 'hard cider' on the barrel, it just says XXX. As soon as he emerges from the barrel, he's hiccuping and falling all over the place. He makes his way to the kitchen, and standing before the open refrigerator, he somehow shimmies his body into a roasted turkey carcass, like a corset. Of course, Mammy waddles downstairs now that Tom has awakened her, and Tom tries to light her foot on fire with a match.
Seriously, there just isn't enough hardcore drinking and arsony in kids cartoons these days.
So Dylan innocently asks "What is that stuff he drank?". To which I answer "oh, just some apple cider"... And Dylan answers back "Um no. That's called 'Losing Your Mind Juice' ".
In college, I can remember doing shots called "Mind Erasers". But I like Dylan's name better.