Sunday, June 28, 2009
summer and six
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
hot fun in the summertime
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
No Rain

My great friend Liza and I decided to dress up as the Bee Girl from the Blind Melon video for "No Rain". We got up early Halloween morning, drove to the fabric and craft store, bought all our supplies and worked on these costumes all day. We were heading to some party, I don't even remember where. All I remember is once we arrived, everyone formed a circle around us and made us do the Bee Girl dance.
Friday, June 19, 2009

Hello, my big first grader!
goodbye kindergarten
Thursday, June 18, 2009
end of kindergarten party
Circle time.
Olivia, Dylan, Logan and Abigail. This comprises half of the beautiful girls Dylan gets to go to the bus stop with every day.
Dylan and Caden, one of his best buds at school. Caden is moving to Pennsylvania this summer and we're going to miss him and his family a lot!
Happy Birthday Andrew

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
typhoid Dylan
This morning he woke up with a crusty puffy eye. The dreaded pink eye. Taking him to the pediatrician again shortly for medication, and keeping him home today. Its a rainy day, and if I can keep the boys from performing WWF Smackdown on each other all day, maybe Dylan can get some much needed rest and I can catch up on some work!
Update on Friday June 19th
Lets add to the list a little trip to the ER last night for a raging ear infection. Poor guy! They also gave him more breathing treatments for the cough, and we're goign to try another round of steroids and two antibiotics to knock this virus out. Thank goodness he isn't contagious, at least.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
mamma mia
1. Clean this disgusting house. This is always the first thing to fall to the bottom of my list when my list gets too long. I have succumbed to 'fake cleaning' my house. Run the vacuum twice a week, wipe down toilets and sinks with Clorox wipes, sweep up dog hair from floor. Have kids pick up toys. That's about as good as it gets.
2. End of year party for Dylan's class. Buy all food for party on Thursday and bring it to school. End of year gifts for Dylan and Logan's teachers. His last day of school is Friday.
3. Andrew's birthday is Thursday and I'm getting a surprise gift for him (shhhhhhh). Go buy surprise gift today.
4. Make Father's Day cards for all Grandpa's and get them in the mail today.
5. Wrap Josh and Maya's 3rd birthday gifts.
6. Write some scripts and emails for work, and make some work calls.
7. Continue potty training Logan (still not getting it, but we're trying a sticker chart now too. He's hit or miss, no pun intended).
8. Finish collecting all photos for high school reunion this week, save them to thumb drive and mail to person coordinating slideshow for reunion next month.
Two things will be going off my list soon - the reunion will be over next month. We've been planning it for 15 months, and having calls every month to coordinate details. I'm also turning over my MOMS Club activities position to another club member. I've been coordinating our activities calendar and doing weekly RSVP emails for the club for over a year. That position will end at the end of this month.
Coming soon - birthday wishes to Andrew on Thursday, photos from our days at the pool, photos from Dylan's end of the year school party, photos from Josh and Maya's 3rd birthday party this coming Saturday.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
and this is where I flash the middle finger
M: "Hi, yes, I'm calling to see if our insurance covers a specific procedure (description follows)?"
Reply: "We aren't allowed to disclose that information. All I can do is direct you to our website, where you can look up our clinical policy bulletin. I'm not allowed to interpret that for you, you'll have to do that on your own."
M: ***** speechless ******** "So, let me make sure I understand. You're telling me you can't tell me I'm covered or I'm not covered for such and such procedure. I have to read words on your website and intrepret them myself. So basically what this means is you have a gigantic loophole meaning you basically won't have to cover anything if I intrepret it the wrong way?"
Reply: ****** silence ********* "Yes, you're going to have to go to our website ma'am."
You've got to be f-ing kidding me, right.
M: "What if I don't have internet access?"
Reply: "Do you have a public library near you?"
M: "What if this was 30 years ago, and there was no internet? Would I then be able to have an actual person answer my actual question, which by the way, seems pretty darn black and white to me?"
Reply: ******** silence ********* "Ma'am is there anything else I can help you with?"
M: "Considering I didn't really get much help in the first place, I'd say this call is over."
Sunday, June 7, 2009
sounds of summer
We love taking advantage of all the local summer concert series at various venues around town. There just isn't anything better than listening to some good tunes, letting the kids run with their friends, and relaxing under the stars. Last night, we checked out the first summer concert of the season at Tarara Vineyard, in Leesburg. They have a beautiful setup right on the Potomac River, and the acoustics are fantastic. And we got to enjoy the sounds of U2 for only $15 a ticket verses $100 or more.
We enjoyed a bountiful selection of processed meats and cheeses:
U2 songs old and new. So many great songs over what...30 years or more now?
We went with our friends John and Paige, along with six other familes:
Logan thought about it, then remembered he doesn't know how to swim. He did end up with "The Edge's" guitar pick by the end of the night, so not all was lost:
Rock on "Bono"!
Friday, June 5, 2009
canine anatomy
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
saying the quiet thing out loud
"Oh Dear God Dammit!"
So hard to keep a straight face. I'll admit, I'll utter 'Dear God' several times somedays in exasperation, perhaps after Logan has emptied the drawer of crayons for the fifteenth time of the day, or like yesterday, when he went downstairs to the playroom, dumped all of our board games on the floor and mixed up all of the pieces scattering them from wall to wall. 45 minutes it took me to get it all put away again.
But dammit, I only reserve to be a quiet thing I say in my head. However, I'm wondering if lately I've said the quiet thing in my head out loud a time or two and didn't even realize it.
Monday, June 1, 2009
9 hours
Dylan and I, at least. Logan and Andrew spent a portion of that there with us, and then came home to nap and work respectively.
Nine hours. Yesterday we were there 5.5 hours. I don't think I've spent that much time at the pool since I was a teenager and I basically lived at the pool from dawn to dusk in my skinny-mini bikini eating bags of Funyuns, drinking Orange Crush, and listening for the Good Humor man.
Being at the pool with Dylan alone is a dream now. He's already passed his swim test this year and now that he's been in school all year, he knows half the kids at our pool. He's off in the deep end busy jumping and going down the slide, and playing tag. And I'm free to lounge in a chair, socialize with friends or just stare off into space. He literally did not get out of the pool, other than during break, for 5.5 hours. He about dropped dead when we got home. I watch the older boys at the pool, who've walked and come without their parents, and imagine someday that will be Dylan...making towel forts with lawn chairs and snickering at all the girls coyfully ignoring him and his friends.
Its even slightly easier having Logan at the pool this year. Although he can't swim yet, he is totally entertained by the giant sack-o-toys I cart along and will play in the shallow beach entrance part of the pool. He still needs a lot of guidance about sharing but he's better than we was last summer. Taking them both by myself, as I will many times this summer, I'm still a few years away from bringing my book and chilling out. But we'll get there.
We're totally a pool family. I love taking a picnic and eating lunch there. Doritos on the grass in the picnic area? No problem, some birds will be along soon. Mustard on the face? Go wash it off in the pool fountain. The pool is an instant playdate, a mommy social hour and place for them to burn off their energy, all rolled into one, and no one has to have their house trashed.
We belong to the three pools in our community and we'll rotate and make our way around throughout the summer. Two of the pools have real deep ends with diving boards. How I'm going to keep Logan off of them, I'm not yet sure.