Thursday, September 29, 2011

a day at the farm

This has been the rainiest September I can remember.  I think at this point, we've had 6 or 7 inches of rain this month when the norm is under 2 inches.  We are all going a little nutso from having to be inside so much. 

The kindergarten fall field trip was scheduled for today, and we've all been watching the forecast wondering if it would be a total rain out.  Alas, Mother Nature gave us a break for a few hours and off we went.  I was able to follow behind with a friend in her car, and we met the buses at Great Country Farm in beautiful Bluemont, VA, about 30 minutes away.   Dylan took this same field trip three years ago when he was in kindergarten.  Grandma Lynn came along, and Logan was just a baby.  Time flies.

It did rain quite a bit once we got to the farms, and with the weeks of rain we've already had, the pumpkin patch was one giant pit of mud.  Some of the kids embraced the mud and had it from head to toe...others lost their shoes in the muck, and some kids just wanted to stay on the hay ride and not venture too far into the fields.

It did clear up towards the end and the kids were able to play before having to ride the bus back to school.  I'm glad it wasn't a total rain out.  Logan has been so excited about this field trip and he would have been crushed if it were cancelled.   We had a good day, and right now my washer is full of muddy shoes and clothes to prove it!

1 comment:

mamistewart said...

I am in awe of you. This is a really nice blog and I'm just so impressed with how quickly you posted about today. The pictures are perfect. Thank you for sharing your blog. I look forward to your future posts.

Michelle S.