Thursday, December 29, 2011

Feliz Navidad 2011

I'm slowly coming out of a Christmas fog.  After the emotional days spent honoring John's life, and then catapulting into two full days of Christmas festivities, the fog is slowly lifting.  What just happened?

We had a lovely Christmas, and it truly got off to an unique start.  On Christmas morning, I woke to a quiet house around 7 am, and thought "Ahhh, let me get a shower before madness ensues."  While in the shower, Dylan busts into the bathroom to inform me Logan was downstairs ripping open presents, all by himself.  "Whaaaaaaa???".  I grabbed a towel, bolted downstairs and sure enough a super overly excited Logan just couldn't wait, and decided to have his own personal Christmas.

It was certainly a different start to our Christimas morning than I had anticipated.  But after recovering from the shock of it all, we settled into a cozy morning of gift opening, toy playing, breakfast eating and preparations for the journey to Grandma's for Christmas, Part Three.

Part One was spent on Christmas Eve at my brother and Jessica's, for Christmas with my Dad and Stepmom.  The kids always enjoy eating lots of yummy food and opening the first round of presents.  And how lucky are we every year that we get to celebrate Christmas three times?

The boys love leaving cookies for Santa, after sprinkling reindeer food out front!

One last note of the season from Tyler, our Elf:

Our tree, adorned with loot, before we settled in for a long winters' nap


Mom and Robby's tree, before gift opening

Maya and Josh, looking very tall

My Mom holding our newest family member, Baby Violet

my gorgeous stepsisters

And, no Christmas is complete without a dance party, and a game of Headbandz!

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