Monday, December 5, 2011

he's baaaaack....

Tyler Snowy is back in The House for his second year.   He arrived Friday morning, ready to watch over our boys and report any and all activities to Santa nightly.  He reports back to the North Pole every night to give Santa the 9-1-1 on any meltdowns, fighting or sassy behavior.  But apparently his very first night, he got a case of the lazies and forgot to make the journey.  Oops!

I can feel he's going to get into a lot of mischief this holiday season.   I wish he came with a reminder alarm every night so we don't forget to move him.  Its hard to come up with enough viable excuses Dylan will believe.  "Oh, Santa was sick and couldn't have company last night."  "Hmmmm, Tyler's reindeer he rides back must have been at the vet."  "Gosh, I bet he must have fallen asleep. I  bet he's in trouble with Santa!".

Andrew goes out of town today for the next few days and he's much better about remembering to move him than I am.   Its a lot of pressure.  I actually sat up in bed very early this morning, "SHIT WE FORGOT TO MOVE THE ELF AGAIN ... HURRY, DOWNSTAIRS!"

Fun tradition..And really, how much longer will Dylan believe in this stuff?  His teacher has ALL the kids in third grade totally believing in this Elf thing, bless her heart.  I really hope we can keep the secret for a few more years. He figured out the Easter Bunny last spring, but we agreed he won't tell Logan.  Somehow he still totally believes in the Tooth Fairy and Santa, and this Elf.  I bought my wrapping paper for gifts this year and hid it, because I know Christmas morning when he finds gifts wrapped from Santa, he'll remember if he's seen that I have the same wrap upstairs.  And starting last year, all gift tags on gifts from Santa were typed labels from my computer so there'd be no handwriting comparisons.   I know one of these days he'll be onto me.  And then it will have to be our secret from Logan as long as we can.

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