Wednesday, December 14, 2011

what they won't be getting

I'd like to know who is buying their child this for Christmas this year.   Of course, the commercial comes on TV during cartoons about six times an hour.  Logan, of course, thinks he wants it.  Its fun!  You feed the dog until his stomach gets extremely and then!  The dogs poops!  What Logan doesn't know is that I'm just going to hand him a shovel with a bow on it.  We have a whole pile of doggie doo right in our own backyard he is welcome to.

Seriously, who thinks of some of these toys?    I saw this at Target the other day and laughed out loud.  Actually, I bet its a pretty fun party toy.

While the toy makers are at it, maybe someone can invent some toys based around some other disgusting things, like "Who Clogged the Toilet", complete with tiny plungers.  Or how about, "Road Kill" stuffed animals?  "Autopsy Lab Kit", that would be fun.

How about Operation.  I HATED that stupid game when I was a kid.  I would literally hide it in the house somewhere far, far away so none of my friends would come over and see it, and suggest we play it.  If by some chance it was found and we had to play, I'd grasp those horrible tweezers while clenching up, waiting for the inevitable 'AUHHHNNNN' at 500 decibels.  I still hate that game.

There are disgusting toys, and then there are toys that are just super annoying and clearly were invented by people who don't have kids. This includes Moon Sand (have you ever tried cleaning that shit up?), Pixo's (those horrible tiny balls that will be from one end of your house to the other), and I'm sure some people won't agree but Zhu Zhu pets. Seriously. You throw it in the toy box and that thing goes thru its entire reel of sounds, squeals and giggles. There is no way to turn it off. Sometimes out of the blue when no one has been near the toy box for hours, it will just go off by itself.

I remember once when Dylan was a toddler, someone gave him a stuffed animal that came with a magic marker, so you could draw all over it.  What a stupid toy. Seriously?  I have been teaching him for three years NOT to draw on anything but paper and now this toy came along and undid that?  It got Freecycled immediately.

As I imagine many, many Doggie Doo games will be come January 4th, once the kids are back in school.

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