Friday, February 4, 2011

Grandpa Dylan

Its Friday and we're heading into a crazy, busy, fun weekend after a crazy busy week.  Grandpa Joe and Grandma Bobbie arrive tomorrow for a few days.  We'll spend some quality time with them, and with Aunt Jessica, Uncle Chris, Josh and Maya this weekend including Superbowl Sunday.   I'm planning to make this, and we've pre-ordered a bounty of chicken wings in time for kick off.

Report cards came home today in Dylan's backpack.  I was so impressed with how many "progressing" P's have turned to "meets" M's. And he has more "Satisfactory" S's and "Outstanding" O's than ever before.  His teacher graded him as outstanding at listening attentively, completing homework, following rules, following directions, demonstrating self control, working productively in a group and respecting others.

His one area that needs improvement: managing his time wisely.   This is not surprising, and in fact, I guarantee this will be a recurring theme on future report cards.  This is a kid who can take 20 minutes to brush his teeth on a good day.  This is a kid who goes upstairs to get dressed, stays there for 30 minutes and still comes back down in his PJs.  This is a kid who can take two hours to do 20 minutes worth of homework.

This is a kid who was born two weeks after his due date.

His teacher calls lovingly calls him Grandpa.

My sweet Dylan moves as slowly as a Grandpa.  Grandpa Dylan.

I always particularly love to read the teachers comments at the end of the report card.  Today, at the end of the long list of academic goals he reached during the 2nd quarter, the last two bullets read:
  • follows classroom rules and displays kindness to his peers.
  • models a cheerful attitude and displays positive classroom citizenship.
That makes my heart smile.

Here the boys are today after Dylan got home from school, playing with the latest toy craze at our house.  They constructed their own battle arena out of random furniture and arts and crafts supplies.

But, they were of course none to quick about putting any of it away.

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