Wednesday, December 21, 2011

ho ho ho

Logan woke up yesterday and asked if he could 'finally' go have his photo taken with Santa. He's asked a few times but ideas with him can be fleeting and I was waiting to see if he was really serious before I braved the mall. I've managed to not go there once in months and I wasn't about to start now if I didn't have to.

Dylan has no interest in going to see Santa this year. He still believes, but he typed up an email and we sent it off to Santa, content that Santa has entered the digital age and would get his list that way.  Plus, as he told Logan, everyone knows the "mall" Santa is only a helper of the "real" Santa who is busy up at the North Pole.    So he said "Nah, no thanks" when I asked if he wanted to go see him in person this year.

Logan, on the other hand, seemed pretty intent on the idea.   He asked again early yesterday morning and I looked at the clock realizing if we hurried, we could possibly be first in line before Santa even arrived at 9 am.  Which would be perfect since he doesn't have to catch the kindergarten bus until 11:20 am.  So off we went, and we even beat Santa.

Nothing quite like watching Santa come down the mall escalator....  But Logan rehearsed what he was going to tell Santa in line, and got some nice one-on-one on Santa's lap.   Which, as a sidebar, had me wondering how many times a  season Santa gets peed on?  But anyway, we got a really nice photo and $35 later (wth??  You can't even take your own photo) we were done.  

One more thing checked off the ole ho-ho-holiday list.

Santa's giant sack-o-lollipops

That's one happy boy. He's a cutie isn't he? And Logan isn't bad either.

1 comment:

T8ermom said...

Wow. His haircut makes him look so grown up! I love that Santa. I think we're going today. I'm sure Dylan was totally fine with not going, but its sad, isn't it? That's a milestone passed.