Friday, December 16, 2011

two wheelin'

Logan woke up this morning with one thing on his mind - no more training wheels. After breakfast, he asked Grandpa Joe to take the training wheels off his bike.  We had tried this once before, months ago, and it wasn't pretty.  Training wheels went back on and we figured he'd figure out when he wanted to try again someday.  He's like that...he tends to decide if and when he's going to do something and as long as its his idea, its all good.   If you try to ask him, tell him, or convince him of anything, forget it.

The second Grandpa took the training wheels off, Logan hopped on and off he went, like he had been doing it for years.   Proud and grinning from ear to ear.  Of course we're heading into the dead of winter and there may not be a lot of chances for leisurely bike riding for a few months.  But knowing my child, he'll be out there in his snowsuit riding that thing when its twelve degrees.

That little bike kills me, have you ever seen a bike that small?  We've had to buy three back tires for it in less than a year because he skids out so much.

Enjoy your new freedom, buddy!

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