Wednesday, May 30, 2012


We're winding down the school year, and just getting back from a camping trip.  Posting has fallen to the bottom on the list, but I'd be remiss to not post these few photos I took at the Zoofari event I attended a couple weeks back with some dear friends from high school.   

I used to get invited to this event years ago when I worked at an ad agency, and Coca-Cola would sport us free tickets.  Its held every May at the National Zoo in DC, and its at least $200 a head to get into this shindig, but I tell you, its worth every darn cent.

Close to 200 restaurants set up tents throughout the zoo and dazzle attendees with 'free' samples of the finest cuisine to be had in this town.  Add to that assorted live musicians, free beer and wine, and the ambiance of dining among exotic creatures, it truly is a spectacular time.  I am awaiting photos of the four of us who attended together, those weren't on my camera.  But I did get a few shots of the evening.  I think my favorite taste of the evening was a tiny crab meat taco in a blue corn tiny taco shell, almost ceviche-like.   Lots of the the food sampled had lamb in it, and I'm not a fan.  Lots of cold soups including grape soup which sounds wacky but was delicious.  

Yes, it was well worth the two hours it took me to get into DC during prime evening rush hour, to spend quality time with my girlies tasting some most delectable vittles in these parts.   Special thanks to Ronda for taking me as her guest, it was a very special night!

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