Wednesday, April 17, 2013


10.  My baby boy turned 10.  I am now the mom of a boy in double digits.  How, oh how did this happen?  He was just three feet tall, taking bubble baths and looking for earthworms in the backyard. 

Dylan, in some ways, is 10 going on 16.  Independent, social, kind and sometimes a little awkward. All about his video games, his friends, and his video games.  He's not a kid who comes home from school with drama, or has problems with other kids.  He's our laid back, easy peasy one.  Nothing is every really a big, huge deal with him.

I don't have much luck giving him a huge or kiss in public anymore.  But at home, in private, we'll share a special look and I can feel his love.

His birthday was this past Sunday, but we let him celebrate the weekend prior by inviting 8 of his "bro's" over for a slumber party, dude style.  When you get a group of 10 year old boys together, you only need a few things to make it a success - lots of cheeseballs and pizza, orange soda, Nerf guns, iPads and some fart jokes.

My baby is 10.  And yes, he will always be my baby.


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