Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

We've been so busy this week, we put off coloring eggs until the last possible minute Saturday night.  The boys always enjoy this and I was in the laundry room busy secretly filling eggs for our backyard egg hunt the  next morning.   We're still enjoying deviled eggs, even if they're a little green.

We got the kids to bed and got busy assembling the baskets of loot.  I really, really tried to take it easy on the candy this year.  But we ended up having two different egg hunts yesterday and it all still added up to be way too much.   We started a new tradition this year... the boys got their first pairs of summer PJ's, and some books/movies, some bath stuff and Webkinz stuffed animals.  It just can't be all about the candy.  Plus, in typical fashion, Logan would binge eat candy for hours until he makes himself sick if I let him, its disgusting.  Dylan, on the other hand, will have to throw his candy out in a few weeks after he barely touches it.

In the morning after inspecting the booty, it was time to adorn the Crocs-with-PJ's-look and head to the backyard to find some eggs.

Uncle Chris and Aunt Jessica, and cousins Josh and Maya came over during the afternoon for Egg Hunt Part Deux, and a meat extravaganza on the Big Green Egg.  And a little Skyping with Grandpa Joe and Grandma Bobbie too!

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