Monday, April 26, 2010

Scoops of Hope

This week is the Week of the Young Child at Logan's preschool.   Its something the school celebrates each year in accordance with NAEYC, the National Association for the Education of Young Children.

The kids and teachers have been busy for weeks, preparing the pieces of artwork to turn the entire school into the "Town that Hope Built".  I got to see a little bit of it today when I went in to read Logan's class this, and this.   

Logan's class built an ice cream shop called "Scoops of Hope".   When I saw it I had to take photos.  Adorable, creative and the ice cream looks so realistic!  The kids get to have a surprise ice cream party on Wednesday with real ingredients.  Its hard to believe there's only about a month of preschool left.  Logan's first year has been a huge success - the kids and the teachers have been fantastic.  I'm not sure I want the school year to end!

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