Tuesday, October 26, 2010

before and after

This past Saturday night, my long time friend Jay, husband of my long time friend Julie, threw her a little surprise 40th birthday celebration.   Over weeks of planning, he invited five of Julie's long time girlfriends to come take over their house for the night.  He supplied the food and booze, and left with their kids to spend the night at his parents. 

I have known these ladies since my middle school years...three of them were in my wedding party.   Some of the girls have known each other since kindergarten.  We're spread out all over the DC Metro area and don't get to see each other very often, so it was a night to of catching up and laughing our rear ends off.  There's something so comforting about being with people who have been a part of your history for so long.

My friend Heidi is taking these photos, so she isn't actually in them.  Thanks for being our photographer Heidi!  We ended up going to a waterfront bar and whooping it up for the evening.... then riding the (drunk) bus back to Julie's house, music blasting the whole way, for an all out slumber party.


After, in the back of the bus:

Kind of makes you wonder what  happened in between these two photos, but as the saying goes, what happens at The Jetty Bar, stays at The Jetty Bar.

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