Friday, October 29, 2010

Meet Mr.Big Nose and Mrs. Hairy

Last night we realized, looking at our busy weekend ahead, if we didn't hurry up and carve pumpkins they just weren't going to get carved this year.  After dropping a steaming hot, fresh out of the oven 20 lb pan of homemade lasagna all over the floor (and myself, up the cabinets, dishwasher and as high as the counter tops), we almost scrapped pumpkin carving all together.   I just didn't want to deal with another big mess! 

But, alas, we persevered, laid out the newspaper, got out our fancy pants Williams Sonoma carving tools and got busy.  My pumpkin was exceptionally stringy inside, so she got a hair-do.  Andrew's pumpkin had a great stem for a big ole' schnoz.

A while back, we got Logan this Domo doll.  We told him every time he felt angry, to go sit with his doll and talk to him, hit him, do whatever he needed to do to help him feel better.  It hasn't exactly worked out, but that's another post. Anyway, I kind of modeled my pumpkin face after the doll and Logan thought that was pretty funny.

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