Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Safety Camp

Our county offers a summer week of safety camp through the Sheriff's office.  Its free, and only offered to rising kindergarteners and rising 1st graders.  The kids learn how to safely ride their bikes and be aware of their surroundings, what to do when strangers approach (Logan was excited to tell me he's allowed to bite a stranger if anyone ever tried to take him so STRANGERS BEWARE!), fire and gun safety, and other very important topics. 

The camp is taught by firefighters, police officers and other public safety people.  Its FANTASTIC.  Dylan went to the same camp when he was in kindergarten and he still remembers everything they taught him.  They talk about serious issues but  make it fun, age appropriate and impactful.

Today, Logan got to take his bike to camp and learn how his helmet should fit, how he can ride his bike safely, and how to keep his bike in top shape.  He also spent time learning what to do if there is ever a fire, and how to escape.

The camp is drop-off and I don't really get to see him in action there (until the little graduation ceremony this Friday). But today I arrived a few minutes early for pick up and got to see him crawl out of a 'burning' trailer to safety. 

Tomorrow he's very excited, he'll get to ride a battery operated ATV that he says "looks like a police motorcycle but doesn't  have sirens..isn't that funny Mom?".

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