Monday, August 29, 2011

and third grade begins

What's the first day of a whole new school year without getting emotional?  This morning, my sweet first born climbed out of bed at 6:45, got dressed, ate his pancakes and was ready to go seek the Adventures of Third Grade.

Third grade.  How did this happen? Where did the time go?  I know people say that, and I know exactly where the time has gone because I've savored every second of it.

Dylan, you make us proud every day.  You approach school with such willingness to learn and welcome new experiences.  Enjoy every moment, as I know you will!

Now, I have another one chomping at the bit to get to school, but the kindergarten bus doesn't arrive until 11:20.   He's ready to go right now, counting the minutes!  Photos of that send-off forthcoming...

Happy New School Year!

1 comment:

Da Doo Run Run said...

Jake has that exact same orange shirt. Target shoppers unite! Hope both boys are enjoying school!!!