Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mr. Roboto

We're back from Logan's sleep study, and in case you ever wondered what a sleep study entails, let me show you.

Lots and lots of wires, tape, goopy paste, and things hanging off you so that you get to look like a robot.

I do not know how this child slept with all of this on him, but somehow he did (at least for most of the night).  I, on the other hand, did not sleep a wink and feel very glad its a rainy day so we can just stay home today and do as little as possible.

The technician was very nice, but wasn't able to share any information with me this morning.  We have to wait a couple of weeks for the sleep doctor to analyze all of the data and then we'll meet with her to see what we can learn, if anything.

Can I just say how proud of my little buddy I am?  He wasn't scared, he never complained once, he fell asleep 15 minutes after all this stuff was hooked to him, and he was, as the technician told me this morning, "one of the best patients ever".

When we got home this morning at the crack of dawn, the first order of business was to wash all the goopy past out of Logan's hair. They adhere about 12 probes to the head and use this nasty paste-like stuff to make it stay on. Then they wrap their head so nothing falls off during the night.  It took about three rounds of shampoo but we got it all out. 

I am now badly in need of some coffee, a nap, and then maybe another nap.

1 comment:

T8ermom said...

This is ridiculous, but he looks adorable. I see him in a mummy costume for Halloween.