Tuesday, August 16, 2011

bittersweet vacation

We just returned from a week at the family lake house in Lake Anna, Virginia.  As always, it was a week of fun, adventure, and together time.  Only this time, there was also a bittersweet tone to our week.  Unfortunately, the house is on the market to be sold.  To say we're all very sad about this is a huge understatement.   Its been on the market for a few months already, and since it hasn't yet sold, we were still able to go last week and enjoy a last vacation there.

For that, we're thankful.  But I'm very, very sad it will no longer be a family place for us to come together.  Our boys don't remember a time we didn't have this house.  Its been a wonderful gift for us all, and we're so very lucky to have had all the years we had there.

Before I get more emotional about it than I already am, I'll just let last weeks' photos tell the story. 

I know in my heart there will be many other family vacations.  But the memories from these past five years at Lake Anna will never be forgotten.

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