Thursday, October 13, 2011

goodbye t & a

Logan did great today and it all went very smoothly.  We left his tonsils and adenoids at the Fairfax Surgical Center at about 10:45 this morning.  He stayed in recovery, sleeping in my arms, until about 1 pm.  

Now for the tricky part.  Keeping him subdued and resting for the next several days.  They told me not to let him outside, no running, no jumping, and to just keep him on the couch with movies and cold drinks.  Umm, yea.  They don't know my child very well.   He's already arguing with me to go outside and ride his skateboard which he will "only ride in the garage...he promises".  He has a giant bottle of hydrocodone so maybe that will help keep him still.   He wanted a cheeseburger on the way home, and a milkshake.  Its like it never even happened.

Andrew is upstairs resting.  I think in a few days he'll feel so much better.  I've been battling a head cold throughout this whole ordeal and truth be told, if I could crawl into bed right now and sleep for two straight days I would.

Here's my little bear prior to surgery this morning.  The nurses gave him a new little buddy to keep him company.

And here he is, snuggled in my arms post-op.  Friends of ours were there with their son, having the same procedure, and she took this photo.  Logan was so quiet, and so didn't cry or flinch even one time.  Such a brave boy!

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