Wednesday, October 12, 2011

one down, one to go

Andrew had back surgery yesterday.  We found out this was going to happen five days earlier.   And Logan's long awaited tonsillectomy and adeniodectomy is tomorrow.  To say things have been busy... well, that doesn't quite cover it. 

Lets back up.  Years ago, Andrew started having back pain.  We think it kind of started back when Dylan was a baby and had chronic ear infections.  He couldn't sleep laying down at night, so Andrew would carry him up and down the hall all night.  Anyone whose ever held a baby can tell you five minutes of that can hurt your back, let alone months on end.   His back pain has come and gone thru the years, and when it flares up he goes to our chiropractor a few times and she fixes him right up.

Two weeks ago, it started hurting again, but in a MAJOR way.  In a there-is-no-comfortable-position-whatsoever kinda way.  Last Tuesday he hobbled in the front door with a look of sheer pain on his face, and then was not able to position his body to get into the car and take Logan to t-ball that night.   Nor was he able to sleep.  No amount of medication or adjusting at the chiropractors was helping.  We went for an MRI Wednesday, the MRI results were shared with our chiropractor immediately, and the very next morning we had an appointment with an incredible back surgeon a couple of towns over.  We were just going to talk to him...let him see the MRI and get some information on the surgery, and think it over.  After hearing that the surgery would dissapate the pain almost immediately, that the recovery would be very short, we were signed up before we left the office that day. 

We had to cancel a major fall camping trip with a lot of good friends, which made us sad.  But all the lifting and bending and carrying camping requires, not to mention sleeping on an air mattress... it just wasn't going to happen.  He spent the weekend resting his back and we geared up for the event.

The surgery went very well, although the disc herniation was a little more than the MRI showed.  The doctor had to scrape at the affected spinal nerves quite a bit, and there will be some tenderness for a few days. But the pinching, numbness Andrew felt was gone the moment he woke up from surgery. They kept him overnight last night, and I brought him home today.  He has some great medication, and we'll be taking it easy for several days at least.  By this time next week, he will be a new man.

I took the boys to visit him last night, and they were showered with attention from the nurses.  They now have a years supply of surgical gloves, and they got all the ice cream they wanted to eat.

I'm glad the surgery could happen so quickly, and I'm glad he has relief.  My Stepdad has very similar back issues and is going to have surgery with the same spinal surgeon next week.

We're very thankful for the outpouring of support, playdates, well wishes, dinners and goodies people have been kind enough to offer.  The thoughtfulness and generousity is so wonderful.  The staff at Reston Hospital was simply fantastic.  Every nurse, every doctor, every single person we interacted with was friendly, humorous, thorough, accomodating and nurturing. Every single one.  It could not have gone any better.

So, one down.

Tomorrow, Logan will undergo his procedure.  Its at a different facility, with a different doctor.  We have experience with this doctor though.  He's the ENT who put in Dylan's ear tubes when Dylan was 10 months old.  He's fantastic as well, and I know the tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy are going to help improve Logan's quality of sleep.  We've been told Logan will have lots of discomfort for at least a couple of days. Hopefully he'll sleep a lot, and I can keep him resting and comfortable.  We're stocked up on popsicles and fruit smoothie ingredients.  I think it will be several days, though, before he can chow down on his beloved Cinammon Toast Crunch cereal again.  He will go back to school sometime next week.

We also celebrated my Mom and Robby's 20th wedding anniversary this past Sunday with a big family party, since Aunt Kathy and Uncle Bill are in town. Lots of good photos from that party, but they're still on my camera and will have to wait for another day.

Again, thanks to all our friends and family for thinking of us and helping us get through this time!

1 comment:

Chris said...

What is Andrew wearing on his legs? Is he getting ready for flash dance?