Sunday, October 23, 2011

two thumbs up for Ticonderoga Farm

The past few weeks have been a blur of doctors appointments, hospitals and waiting rooms.  With all the craziness and recovery time, we haven't yet made it to any of the cool fall farm festivals in our area.  Also, Dylan's swim team practice is on Sundays at 1:30 making it hard to fit other adventures in. 

So it was kind of nice to get a swim team cancellation notice and realize we'd have our whole day free today, wide open, to do something together.  Logan isn't 100% back to himself yet but he's much better than he was a few days ago and we did plenty of sitting and resting today during our adventure.

Typcially in pasts falls, we've gone to Great Country Farm or Cox Farm, and both are equally great. But we know what's there and they're very popular farms, with big crowds.  Several friends told us about Ticonderoga Farm in Chantilly, mentioning there was lots to do and much fewer people.  They were right on both counts.

We had a great day. The staff was really friendly. The boys got to feed the baby goats bamboo, and pet them.  The sun was shining, the air was crisp and the chickens were roaming freely.  The giant bouncing pillow and slides were a hit, and Logan loved his pony ride.  There was a fun shaky bridge, tee-pees, kid sized log cabins, and a nice long hay ride.  Both boys had their faces painted.  There were no lines to do any of the activities, which was the best part of all.

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