Thursday, August 7, 2008

questions and answers

It used to be that I could count on a car ride to provide a little mental down time. The kids tucked into their car seats, Ziplocs of Goldfish crackers, watching The Incredibles for the bazillionth time. I used to use drive time making mental grocery lists and daydreaming of exotic vacations. But for about the past two years, Dylan has morphed into Question Boy, and there is no such thing as tuning out during a drive anymore.

His thoughts are so random, you just have to wonder what sparks them. Today on the way to Target, he drilled me on these two gems.....

"Mommy, what are animals made of?"

"Mommy, how do octopus' know where they are going?"

I always try to be as simple and honest as I can when he asks things, because the very next second he's onto another crucial subject...."Who would win in a battle, Hulk or Spiderman?" or "How does Gatorade give you power?". Maybe by the time he's seven he'll have more staying power and I'll have to delve a little deeper into each subject. But for now a simple one sentence reply usually satisfies him before his brain flutters onto the next question.

He's growing up so fast. Right now he still thinks we know everything. And I will happily give him answers. Happily entertain his ponderings and nonsensical logic.

Because someday, when he has facial hair and his feet are bigger than mine, the questions will stop when he knows everything and we're just the parents who don't understand anything.

These days, when I find myself in the car alone it just seems too quiet.

1 comment:

T8ermom said...

I could have written that, I swear. It cracks me up. Bob can barely stand to drive Connor to school at this point...he's not as patient as I am...and I'm not that patient. Its hysterical. This week our big focus seems to be on what is poison. Is the road poison? If you licked it would it be poison? Is that flower poison? Does your hairspray have poison? And on and on.