Tuesday, July 7, 2009

final day of two

I think something clicked with Logan over our little vacation. He's pooped only in the potty for the past five days now, initiating it every time, and has had very few pee accidents. Could this be it? Could it?

And its not only clicking in the potty training department. His language skills are suddenly blowing us away. He's speaking in full paragraphs, and clearly too. In the past few weeks there's been a huge noticeable advancement in his verbal communication. In fact, I'm wondering if when he begins speech therapy this fall, they'll tell us he no longer qualifies for the program. And I don't think its a coincidence we've seen far fewer meltdowns and tantrums with this new boost in language. I have to believe that when you have all the nouns, verbs and adjectives your need to convey your thoughts and needs, your frustration levels taper off a bit. He's constantly checking in with us to make sure all is well. "Mommy, are you happy?" I hear this at least fifty times a day. And he apologizes for any little thing he does, like a little spill. Or if I apologize to him, "Its okay, mommy."

Tomorrow I'll have a three year birthday post for Logan. But for today, I'm simply celebrating these new skills in maturity he's proudly showing and hoping they are here to stay.

On this last day of his being two, I'm proud of how far he's come with his speech and behavior and big boy skills. I jokingly didn't know if either of us would make it to three in one piece, but we're here and better yet, we're smiling.

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