Thursday, July 16, 2009

well, that's a first

This is what the nurse said this morning during Logan's three year check up. I told him at the end of the appointment they were going to need to take some of his blood as part of his check up. I whispered to the nurse to pretend like she pricked my finger first, so I could have a positive reaction for him, then he would be more willing to have his turn.

The facade worked. She 'pricked' me, and I said "Ahhh, not bad at all! See?". Then Logan was begging for his turn. She stuck him, squeezed out a drop of blood for her slide thingy. And then it was over just like that. Except he was mad. "More! More! Do it again!"

She actually ended up having to do it one more time, because his iron levels came back slightly low. So another stick, this time he didn't need me to go first. He was thrusting his hand in her face, waving it around, demanding "Again! Again!". Low again. Slightly anemic.

So we'll be upping the daily intake of raisins and peanut butter and dried apricots, since most other foods high in iron are on Logan's Official I Would Not Eat This Food If It Were The Last Food On Earth List: spinach, liver, beef, beans, kale, peas, eggs, greens.


T8ermom said...

why not a vitamin with iron?

Michelle said...

He already takes a vitamin, and he's still low on iron apparently. His hemogloblin was 11, then the second time they tested it was 10. I guess they like it at least 11.5?...