Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snowmageddon Part Deux

As if 30" wasn't enough snow already, they're predicting another 10" - 20" today and tomorrow.  Schools are closed for the entire week.  Some local businesses have had to close, for fear their flat roofs can't take the weight and will collapse soon.  The Federal Government is closed again.

Andrew has gone out for more provisions and is probably fist-fighting someone over the last carton of eggs somewhere.  We have plenty of batteries for the Wii remotes, plenty of toilet paper, and a giant bottle of bourbon.  We're all living in our  pajamas and showering every other day. 

Our daily conversation revolves around "what shall we eat next?"  (Andrew is preparing a lovely shrimp bisque for tonights' dinner.) We're all going to come out of Snowzilla 15 pounds heavier.

I've seen some funny names for the snowfall of the century, but the two funniest:

Kaiser Snowze and Snowtorious B.I.G.

I'm sure before this is all over, we'll have thought of a few more terms of endearment.

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