Monday, May 3, 2010

a little island time

Andrew and I just returned from a five day getaway to Nassau Bahamas... celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary, partaking in the award trip his lovely coworkers nominated him for a few months ago and spending a few days of R&R, sans kids for the first time in a very long time.   We left the boys in my Moms hands and while they got to spend special time with her, we enjoyed a little time in paradise.

Five days of no negotiating, no cleaning, no cooking.  No homework, no kid food, no wiping butts.  No nightly visitors at 3 am complaining of a bad dream.  No telling anyone 12 times to brush their teeth.  No laundry, no waking at 6 am to get anyone to the bus stop.

I love my life at home, I do.  I'm not complaining.  I'm thankful that I have this priviledge to stay home with the boys and manage our home.

But everyone needs  a break from their job.  And I think especially so when you're 'employees' sometimes talk back to you, and have to constantly be reminded to clean up their messes.  I missed them like crazy, but this vacation filled something in me that was starting to run a little empty.  It was needed.  And we're so thankful we had the chance to go.

I took a LOT of photos and I can't possibly put them all here.  But I've uploaded them all to Facebook as well as here.   You can click on this Shutterfly link without being a Shutterfly member or having to take time to create any sort of password and easily view the entire album.

Here are a few teaser photos...   It was just lovely.  Lovely.  

And now you'll have to excuse me for a few days while my head comes down out of the clouds.

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