Saturday, September 6, 2008

and here begins the exhibitionism...

Yesterday after school, I took the kids for ice cream as a special 'hooray we survived the first week of school' celebration. The line was long but its our favorite ice cream parlor, and worth the wait. Plus lots of our friends were there and everyone was yakking it up.

As we're standing there, I look down and see a diaper on the floor near Logan. And I think to myself "hmmm, that's the kind of diaper Logan wears".

I thought maybe he had run over and raided someones diaper bag. Surely my son wouldn't take off his own diaper and just let it drop. Although, considering the fact that he runs around naked each night before bathtime spanking his own butt, nothing should surprise me in the naked department.

I bent down and felt his little rear end and sure enough, it was diaperless.

He was wearing one of those cute one piece shorts jumper outfits (the kind I can't get away with on him for much longer). He clearly stuck his hand up his shorts legs, unfastened his diaper, and let it all hang out.

I think if the ice cream guy had asked me if we wanted nuts on our scoop of coconut pineapple, I would have peed my pants.

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