Friday, September 19, 2008

a weeks' worth in one post, and we're missing a tooth

How is it Friday already? Its been a quicky of a week with so much going on. Time I used to spend writing on the blog is now being spent working my new marketing gig. The adult part of my brain is very rusty and the gears need a little lubrication. I'll get with it soon.

Dylan had back to school night last night. We left the kids with our friends, and off we went for a two hour program at the school. We learned about how the kindergarten team approaches handwriting and reading. I've said it before but I just love his school so much. The community involvement is just amazing, and there are so many good things happening there.

Its amazing to me how much better Dylan's handwriting is getting so quickly. He's only been in school for three weeks, but its the everyday practice that's really making a difference. He also seems to actually enjoy practicing, which I couldn't say before school. I was also recently turned onto the BOB Books, and picked up the first set at Costco. He loves them and is getting a major confidence boost that he CAN DO THIS. Its really exciting to see him recognize words and the huge smile he gets after reading a book on his own!

I also volunteered to be room mom for his class. I have no idea what this means yet, but I'm sure I'll find out soon enough!

Logan is loving all of his extra activities: Pumpi's Playschool gym class at Pump it Up, and Music with Maddy. We're on the go all the time! I haven't done an in depth Logan post in a long time, with updates on his speech and occupational therapy, and I will soon. Everything is going great.

We also visited the fire station with MOMS Club this week for a tour of all the fire trucks, and to learn about fire safety.

In other weekly news, Dylan got bitten on his hand today at school, and it broke the skin. He told me when he got off the bus today, and I expected to see a note in his backpack. When I didn't see anything I called his teacher, and we're trying to get to the bottom of it. From what Dylan and two of his friends from his class tell me, there is a little boy who causes a lot of trouble and he's the one who bit Dylan today because, as Dylan says, "he was trying to get me to be bad and I didn't want to". Hmmmm. Whatever happened, a five year old should not be biting!! I hope this isn't going to be a year long saga, hearing about the bad boy. There's always at least one in a class, right? Let's hope this boys had his rabies shots.

Speaking of Dylan and teeth (but his own this time) his first loose tooth is REALLY loose, and the Tooth Fairy could be making her inaugural visit to our house very soon! I'm just wondering where I'll keep the upcoming collection of teeth these next couple of years, and what the heck I'll do with them. And if his tooth is hanging by a thread, will I have the gumption to give it a yank myself? The things you don't think about ever having to do before you have kids!

Holy cow, well, scratch that last paragraph. Dylan's tooth JUST fell out as he was eating a Kit Kat bar. Just like that. My baby has lost his first tooth. This whole growing up thing is happening way too fast. How's this for a close up?

What else, what else? Oh! This is a good one. My A/C fan is stuck on the HIGH ARCTIC BLAST position in my car and won't turn off, no matter what I do. I drive down the road with my hair blowing into Ziggy Stardust formation. It looks like a visit to the auto shop is in order for next week.

Lastly, and very sadly, my beloved Aunt Kathy in Arizona lost her poor dog Ben to lung cancer this week. Big hugs to Aunt Kathy and Uncle Bill, I'm thinking of you guys and I love you!


T8ermom said...

Congratulations, Big D!!!! Welcome to crooked-tooth town!

Julie said...

Up close indeed...the blood's still visible! Yowzers!