Monday, September 15, 2008

Kings Dominion

Yesterday, we continued with our weekend a la insanity, braving the heat, and taking in a day at Kings Dominion. Andrew's company rented the whole park out, and it was fun to run into people we knew and enjoy the shorter than normal theme park lines. It was still a long day, with a long drive and Logan was up most of Saturday night crying (for reasons unknown - I think playing with the kids on Saturday just got him all wound up). Still, with a total of three hours of sleep and halfway hallucinating from exhaustion, we put on a good caffeine buzz and sucked it up, and somehow made it through the day.

Logan and Dylan both love rides, and it was so cute watching Dylan help Logan get their seatbelts fastened and holding his hand. Except the one time he forgot and left Logan on the ride alone. But other than that, he was a good big brother.

I am constantly impressed at Dylan's stamina. He walked the entire huge theme park in 95 degrees and high humidity, sweating to death, and didn't complain a single time. He hasn't sat in a stroller since he was 2 1/2. He didn't even fall asleep in the car on the way home. And mind you, neither of them ate much at the park all day. I don't know where they get this stamina. Lord knows I don't have it.

Here's a sampling of some of the fun.....

Just like at the demolition dirty!

I'm not sure if I like this one.

Rollin' with my homies..

This is the closest either of them will get to driving a car until they're 18!

My retro helicopter needs a new paint job. And maybe a new transmission.

Scooby Snacks anyone?

Bazillions of balls

completely and utterly exhausted

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