Tuesday, September 2, 2008

kindergarten, here I come!

A bittersweet and exciting day here at our house as Dylan embarks on his kindergarten adventure.

He was so proud, in a quiet and 'don't embarrass me too much mom' kind of way. I packed his snack - hummus, crackers and cantaloupe, and laid out his new shirt and shoes. He asked for oatmeal and fruit for breakfast and ate it all. He was ready to go.
He and the other kids happily climbed onto the bus, and off they went, as we waved and hid our misty eyes behind sunglasses. Logan cried because he wanted to go too.

Now here it is, only an hour before he'll be home, telling me all about it. He'll come home full of facts and it will be non-stop talking I'm sure.
I can't believe this day is here. He's just so grown up, and his little world is going to expand so much.

We're so proud of you Dylan! You're going to have so much fun!

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