Monday, January 26, 2009


Friday night, Logan would not sleep. He kept crying that his ear hurt. I'm so glad he at least has the words now to tell us. And he's really been sleeping so much better lately, we knew something was off. He had a cold all of last week and by Friday night, I guess it migrated to his ear. I got one of the coveted few pediatrician appointments first thing Saturday morning, and sure enough, infection in the left ear. Not too, too bad yet but still worthy of antibiotics and lots of Motrin. Off to the pharmacy, we filled his prescription for amoxicillin, and he's slept just fine the past two nights.

Dylan was riddled with repeated ear infections when he was an infant. So much so, that by 10 months, he had tubes put in. We always wondered when we had a second child, if they would suffer the same fate. But this is Logan's first one ever, and at 2 1/2, I think that's pretty darn good. I hope its an isolated case.

On a related note, I keep wondering when its going to be Our Turn. Usually once a winter, all (or most) of us come down with a Terrible Stomach Virus. The kind where you don't know which end to stick in the toilet first. The past two winters, I swear I traced it back to a random weekend visit to Chuck E Cheese once, and a visit to the kids play area at the mall the other time. This winter, guess where we aren't going?

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