Sunday, January 11, 2009

paying it forward

Once when I was in college, a car load of us were driving to the beach. We had to pass thru the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and of course, its toll booth. I think the toll was $2.50 or something like that. Now its probably $10. But anyway. It must have been spring break or something, because there were throngs of cars on Route 50, heading east, full of lusty college kids anxious to get their drink on. So I remember pulling up to the toll booth with my $2.50 at the ready, and the toll booth worker (do they have another official job title I'm unaware of?) told me "Don't worry about it, the car in front of you paid your way". I didn't know the person driving in front of me from Adam, it was a complete stranger, I didn't even get a look at them. But how cool was it that they saved me my $2.50, so I could put it towards another six pack of Milwaukee's Best, or whatever sludge we drank back in those days?

I've always remembered that little incident and how a nice little random act of kindness can really make someones day. I honestly can't say I practice random acts of kindness in my life on a regular basis. I'm usually practicing random acts of trying to dissipate meltdowns, tantrums and not losing my car keys at Target while Logan is running circles around my shopping cart.

But today, while I was out running some blissfully kid-free errands, I saw my chance and took it. A while back, we opened savings accounts at our credit union for the kids. And for each account, we recieved $5 Starbucks gift cards as a nice little bonus. I tucked one away in my wallet, saving it for a rainy day. I don't often go to Starbucks because 1) I'm not often alone and I believe a $5 coffee just can't be properly enjoyed with a two year tagging along fingering all the shelves of breakable coffee mugs and 2) Well, the coffee is $5.

So I pull into the Starbucks drive-thru to order my venti White Chocolate Mocha. The guy rings it up, $4.53 he says. I pull up to the window for my beverage treat. He tells me the balance on my gift card will be $.47. I think for a second and notice a car has pulled in behind me to place their order. "You know what, I'm never going to use it. Just use it towards this next person's beverage". The scraggly high school Starbucks guy smiles "Nice!" and off I went. It was only $.47. But I'm pretty sure that counts as a random act of kindness, right?

1 comment:

T8ermom said...

Yes, it counts, my friend. It counts. And now I have a hankering for a white chocolate mocha. Although, this winter they've won me over with the Espresso Truffle.