Friday, May 14, 2010


What makes life so fun with kids is you never know what's going to come out of their mouths.

Last night, we pull up to the soccer field for Dylan's practice.   No idea what field we're supposed to be on, kids everywhere.   He and I are both visually scanning the fields for someone familiar...

All of the sudden, out of the blue:

Dylan:  "Where the HELL are we?!"

Me:  "What did you say?  Where did you learn that word??   Was it Grandpa Joe?  Was it from me?"

Dylan:  "Nah... Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs."

Ha!!!!   He's right, Mike Rowe says that all the time!  Dylan's been a big Dirty Jobs fan for years and here I've been thinking he's learned some pretty cool stuff on that show, like what happens to our trash after the truck picks it up, how to catch snakes, how to artificially inseminate a cow (okay, just kidding, we banned some episodes)....

Then later, as Dylan and I are waiting in the car outside of a store for Andrew and Logan to come out.  

All of the sudden, out of the blue from the backseat:

Dylan:  "Mom, I'm pretty lucky to have you.  You're pretty great."

Ahhhhh.   Makes it all worth it.   I love that kid.

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