Wednesday, May 26, 2010

last day of preschool

Today was Logan's last day of preschool.  Its been a great year, and I have to say, we've been so proud of how he's handled his very first school experience.  His teachers and the school were just incredible, and it was so rewarding being room mom and being able to be very involved in his class.  He never complained once that he didn't want to go to school, he looked forward to it every day and was so proud to show us everything he made.
This morning, Andrew made him a special pancake breakfast on our 'special day' plate my friend Sharon made me before she moved to Germany.  We use it for family birthdays and special celebrations.

This was Logan last September on his very first day of preschool:

And here he is this morning.  I swear he grew 6 inches... you don't realize how much they change until you look at old photos.

To celebrate the last day, his class had a picnic this afternoon.  Here he is with his two teachers:

The teachers gave me and the other room mom these bags with all of the kids handprints on them.  Not only is it adorable, I'll use it all the time!

The teachers gave all of the kids buckets full of summer goodies, and they made each parent a personlized scrapbook full of photos from the year.  Its very detailed and something I'll keep forever to remember his first year of preschool.  Love you, buddy!

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