Thursday, May 26, 2011

waddle waddle quack quack, it was fun

Even though Logan has ONE more day of preschool (Tuesday next week), the end of the year party was this morning.  The class hosted an ice cream party, and we all gave the teachers their end of year gifts. The teachers had gifts for each child, and they also gave us the many books the kids have compiled over the school year including their weekend journals, ABC book and a memory book the teacher made for each family with photos and special items they've saved the entire year.  

I wish I could share the entire book here, its so special and so full of memories that sum up a great year in the life of our special 4 year old.  But here are photos of a few of my favorite pages:

I won't lie, there were some tears.  It seems like he was eons younger when this preschool year began.

I don't know when my toddler became a little boy whose now ready to move into kindergarten and take on the world.  They tell you when you have kids it "goes by so fast"..   And its true, it really does.  You have to savor every minute, the great ones and the not so good ones, because next thing you know they don't want you to kiss them at the bus stop anymore and they start getting their own phone calls.

They memorized and recited a poem about what it was like to be a Lucky Duck this year.

And then it was time to give the teachers their gifts.  The room moms (I was not one this year) had a great, creative idea to collect money from us all and put together picnic/BBQ baskets for the teachers.  They filled them with all sorts of marinades, cookie cutters, grilling tools, s'mores fixins, Wegman's gift cards, and lots of other fun stuff.  They also collected favorite summer recipes from all the moms and compiled a Lucky Duck cookbook, and gave us all copies.  Fabulous idea, and I can't wait to try some of the yumminess listed in there.  I did share my Mom's famous baked bean recipe and my recipe for lemon bars which I've been hankering and I'm gonna have to make soon.

After all of that, it was time to dig into some ice cream.  At 10:30 in the morning.  It tastes even better before lunch.

As preschool ends and we look to kindergarten, we can certainly say Logan was a Lucky Duck to share the company of these teachers and his friends this year.  I met some really nice moms too.  I'm really going to miss that preschool.  There are no words to describe how much I respect the teachers and the program there.

And as one door closes, another one opens.  Tonight we head to our elementary school where the rising first graders will sing to the incoming kindergarteners, and Logan will get to ride the school bus around the neighborhood.  I can hardly believe our little bear is heading to big boy school in a few short months.

Waddle, waddle, quack, quack.

1 comment:

T8ermom said...

Lovely post. Here's a saying about kids that I love....with kids, the days are long and the years are short.
