Sunday, March 22, 2009

10 for Daddy

Andrew returns home tonight from his Mancation. We've missed him; its been a long five days of me being the sole bather, feeder, entertainer and cleaner-upper with no back-up. And Logan's been particularly moody this week. If he knew how to give me the middle finger, I would have seen it often. However, I'll forgive him because I think he's just been upset that Daddy was away. I'm glad Andrew got a mental break and had time with friends, we all need that from time to time.

I did take the opportunity the past two nights to have girlfriends over to enjoy chick flicks that I know Andrew would have never sat through (Sex in the City and Twilight) so he can thank me for that one; now he's off the hook.

Anyway, in honor of Andrew coming home tonight, I'd like to share the answers to some questions I asked Dylan today about Daddy.

1. What does Daddy do at his job?

He works on the computer in an office. I think he plays games on there and then makes words.

2. How old is Daddy?

Hmmmmm, 106?

3. What does Daddy like to eat?

Vegetables, right?

4. What is Daddies' favorite thing to do?

Watch football on TV

5. What makes Daddy laugh?

Me and Logan being silly

6. What makes Daddy angry?

When Logan touches my weenie. Well....first he laughed and then he got mad.

(Note from editor: OK, this is not a frequent happening here, but I feel I must explain. The boys both run around naked before bathtime each night and inevitably Logan got curious one night and reached out for an up close and personal. Boys will be boys right? I'm not sure where the 'weenie' terminology came from, we have always called it the penis. Oh well, I'm sure there are worse things he could call it.)

7. What does Daddy like to do the most with you and Logan?

Maybe go somewhere like to a park or something.

8. What does Daddy like to drink?

Soda. He needs it, its good for him.

9. Whats something Daddy knows how to do that you wish he would teach you?

dive! (as in SCUBA)

10. What does Daddy say to you all of the time?

I love you!

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