Monday, March 2, 2009

happy blog-o-versary

Today marks the official one year anniversary of when I started writing this blog. It seems like much longer than a year; I don't know if that's good or bad. But regardless, I'm so glad I started, and now I can't imagine not having a place like this to document all the little stories and photos that define our family life. Its become such an outlet for me, and my only wish is that I had started it sooner, when Dylan was born almost six years ago. I sometimes go back and read entries from six months ago, and realize if I hadn't written about that particular memory I might not be able to remember all of those details now. Something happens when you have kids, and your brain is barely able to keep the basic information in it needed to just get through a day, let alone remember a hilarious conversation with your five year old from last summer.

For me, this blog is a digital scrapbook,but even better. I'd never have the time or patience to sit down and make creatively embellished scrapbook pages that could capture all of the stories and memories. Having a place to write these words... that is what really matters to me. A way to share all these conversations, jokes, frustrations and thoughts.

I recently was tickled to find a website service that will print your entire blog into a hardcover bound book, so I plan on doing that soon. One book for each year; something I can keep forever and share with the boys someday.

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